My last post was weeks ago and I mentioned that our house renovation was nearly complete. Well I finally get to say after today it really is complete, isn't it amazing how long all those little tasks seem to take, like painting the fence, gardens you name it! with a very old house I don't think you are ever finished, little things just seem to appear especially with an all white house!
Next week our home is going up for sale, I have mixed emotions, our plan was to down size but instead our renovation grew to become a very large home, with six children we now only have two living with us and one planning to leave home next year, so our family of eight is now three, so it has made us re think our plans. Several of my friends are in the same position all planning to live the apartment lifestyle, in the heart of the city, I'm sure if I said to my husband yes lets do it he would in a heartbeat. The idea of living in the city, the beautiful walks I could do daily, the cafes and restaurants we could just walk too, a pool, gym all in our complex, the little or no maintenance, my apartment would take nothing to keep clean the list goes on BUT in my heart I'm not sure if its me. I'm also imagining a cottage style Californian bungalow with a beautiful back yard not too big but enough for a pool and terrace, I'm happy with one large living area rather than three that we have now, basically a smaller home but with loads of character. So the verdict is I'm not sure yet, we are keeping our options open, but one thing is for sure our next life plan is for living life to its fullest, I want a healthy life work balance, I want to see so many countries of the world both for pleasure and for my work and I have some exciting plans for Verandah House!
Enough of my ramblings...I have posted some photo's of my children's TV room/library, I have continued the blue and white but in a more casual way, as you can see our family dog Milko has his favourite spot here too! tomorrow I will post the exterior shots for you.
All images: Verandah House