Saturday, October 12, 2013

Suzanne Kasler

I'm a huge fan of Suzanne Kasler's work, she is renowned for designing classic, timeless homes, incorporating the personal collections of antique pieces, contemporary and custom made pieces.
Her latest book Suzanne Kasler Timeless style, represents a lot my own design aesthetics. I personally love soft blue in a bedroom, for me its calming, restful, and elegant and the colour of my own bedroom. I believe a bedroom space should feel restful as Suzanne quotes, "Bedrooms are very important its where we begin our days in the morning and end them each evening"


  1. I too am a big fan, her interiors are always beautiful but never can see a family really using and living in those spaces...gorgeous!

  2. Heaven all of it. Just ordered her new book last week, can't wait to read it.

  3. found you over on Georgica Pond but there is no way to subscribe to your posts via email and your atom subscribe button does not work. Just FYI. Love your work and your interview ideas and I agree and am happy to hear that chevron prints are on their way out and not too soon!

  4. Do you know who makes the white laquer dressers in the master bedroom photo?
